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St Ronan's Primary and Nursery School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
St Ronan's Primary and Nursery School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
Online applications for Pre-School and Primary 1 for September 2025 are currently open! You can apply now via EA Connect: [Open Link]
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Mini Marathon Round-Up!

6th Jul 2024

It's been a little over a month since the inaugural St. Ronan's Mini-Marathon!

It ended up being a spectacular event for all involved and it is something we hope to 'run' again in the future! 

Firstly, a special mention of the thanks must go to all those involved in the organisation process. Jen and PTFA members were hard at work behind the scenes ensuring all the necessary precautions were taken prior to the event to ensure it was both safe and successful. Sinead and Paul Mohan were also hard at work setting up the course in the early hours of Friday 24th May! Canon Jimmy also gave a special blessing before the race commenced. 

Thank you to all staff and parents who helped along the route on the day as pacers, supervisors, water-station attendants, crossing patrols, and to all the parents and family members who came out to support at the finish line. A huge thanks also to the PSNI for taking time out of their busy day to ensure the safety of our pupils as they made their way around the course. 

Recognition must also be given to our very generous business donors whose donations amounted to £1000!

Finally, a huge well done to our wonderful KS2 pupils who ran, walked, jogged and even 'jumped' their way from Holy Cross Church along the Knocks, Moat, and Nutfield Roads back to school! Not only did they put a huge effort in on the day, but they all worked tirelessly in the weeks leading up to the Mini Marathon to raise over £2500! These funds along with the business donations, will now be used to purchase essential athletics and ICT equipment for the coming academic year. 

Paul Jackman captured some wonderful images of the day and these can be found below. If you wish to purchase a copy from Paul, please contact him on 07557102443. It may be advisable to send a screenshot of the image you wish to purchase.